Sheila Lisa Walsh

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A Beauty Entrepreneur’s Journey

I’ve been self employed most of my adult life with the exception of teaching Hairstyling and Esthetics and I still maintained my clientele while I taught most of those years. It is true when they say “you won’t work a day in your life if you truly love what you do.” The salon and spa was my happy place, that is the magical environment where I felt I was never working, but just having fun with my clients. It was low stress and the payoff was the most beautiful caring clients anyone could wish for. I am so delighted to announce that I will be returning to my first love of business, the salon and spa where I will be offering holistic services to the St. John’s and metro areas. In select time slots I will be available starting July at my new salon and spa in St. John’s! . More details to follow. I am so so excited to be able to finally do this!!!

Starting a manufacturing business is not for the faint of heart and being in one of the most saturated industries globally made it all the more challenging. It was my goal and purpose, especially after getting sick in my beloved salon and spa to make healthy but beautiful effective products. It took a lot longer than I thought it would to get established, cost way more money and there were so many roadblocks it also almost cost me my health again through the pandemic. Pivoting is what you do in business if one thing does not work you tweak and manage it until it does. Challenges arise on the daily and you have to have the skills and personality to deal with disruptions, delays, mistakes and a host of other things. My Dad, who was a high school teacher and totally loved his career, always said “When your work is not fun anymore change your path or stop doing it altogether” So thinking of his wise worlds and my brothers advice as well, I knew it was time to alter my path, not completely change it, but add back in the work I absolutely fell in love with in beauty school. Making women feel their best is my purpose, it is what I am really good at and I thought let’s offer women not in my area access to my knowledge and experience. That is where came from, a place of purpose, service, happiness and joy.

I love the challenge of being self employed, controlling my schedule is important to me, creating experiences, products and services give me so much satisfaction. If you would like be a part of my journey you can join my Inner Circle free membership, take one or both of my courses or to book my beauty services you can contact me through the contact form here on my website. A linked calendar is in progress, which one do you use as a beauty professional? Do you recommend it?

Thanks again for being here,

