Sensory Rituals Rebalance The Mind

From the time of Cleopatra to our modern day comforts self care has always been revered and upheld as the ultimate habit to strengthen us. Being well read, writing, enjoying playing or listening to music, taking a long leisurely bath, washing your hair, enjoying a hobby and enjoying all the wonders of our natural world and meditating. Let’s take a look at what is available to us at the present moment. We should have so much gratiutude for being born in an age where we can take advantage of so many beautiful self care options readily available to us. Though we have everything it seems at our fingertips but often get caught up in distractions that erode our health and happiness.

How exactly do we get back to a place of balance? For me it has been a return to more sensory rituals that relax my mind, feed my spirit and honour my body.

When you look great, you feel amazing, life feels so much better. These little acts of self care all add up to one major change once they become your daily habits. I am here to tell you to never underestimate the power of looking after yourself, appreciating the little things because that adds up to one big life of purpose and bliss.

Rest, relaxation whether on vacation or in the comfort of your own home rebalances our energies, help us think clearly and prepares us for tomorrow.

Here are my top 5 Sensory Rituals that keep me balanced and happy.

  1. Evening Self Massage. My days are physically demanding so when I finish work for the day I usually end my evening before bed with a Self Massage. Here is my routine.

    Starting with my neck and face I massage myself with my Firming Serum, as I have menopausal skin this helps firm and tone my skin. If you are super sensitive or want to use an oil from home I recommend Grapeseed Oil, it has a light texture but is packed with antioxidants. Once I finish massaging my face, neck and shoulders, I usually sit down and give my geet and calves a strong firm massage with my Body Firming Serum. Your body deserves all the great ingredients your face receives daily. My skin is fairly healthy but as a Causcasion woman my skin is on the thin side so daily oil serum masage is a must to keep my skin feeling soft and toned. Aromatherapy benefits are a plus here. I love the smell of Coffeeberry and Geranium.

  2. Beauty Tea + Coconut Milk

    If you know me at all you know that everything has to look pretty and inviting to me or I am simply not going to make it part of my routine. Our Beauty Tea at ISC is made from adaptogenic Labrador Tea, Lingonberries and Organic Blue Peaflower. The tea looks so gorgeous nad I feel better ending my day with a nutrivitive beverage that sustains my health. I change it up sometimes and add Tumeric and Cacao to the Coconut Mil. You can add some Swerve, honey or sugar to sweeten it a little if you like that. Sugar genreally ages your skin so I try not to add it at night. I prepare this tea and pour in my Royal Albert Tea cup that my sister in law gifted to me. It is so so pretty. Drink your tea while journalling or reading.

  3. Scalp Massage

    A good scalp massage relieves tension, deeply moisturizes your scalp and gently cleanses your hair without drying it out. After shampooing with an SLS free shampoo, use a daily SLS Free conditioner I like our Boreal Conditioner, it contains over 90% organic aloe juice. Aloe is so soothing for the skin and scalp. Use a product that you like the smell of, as this ritual has aromatherapy benefits. You can add a couple of drops of an essential oil for this. If in the evening do not use Rosemary it tends to “wake you up” Use a citrus or vanilla. PInk Grapefruit is my favourite.

  4. Morning Shower

    A morning shower with some Eucalyptus flowers of oil in your shower feels decadent and wakes you up in the nicest way possible. I love Lemongrass too so I switch it up. I also use these essential oils in my body wash and shampoo products for an extra aroma boost in the morning. Always end off my shower and hair rinse with cold water, turn the tap back slowy as you get used to this it took me about a month and a half to get to the icy cold water. What a difference to my skin tone and shininess of my hair. You will love this once you work it into your routine. I have a leg injury that sometimes acts up and the pain is chronic so the icy water works well for this too. Using a hand held shower nozzle makes this easier to do at the beginning.

  5. Evening Bathing

    A bath after a long day is the ultimate relaxation for me. I usually dry brush with a body brush before getting in the bath. I add botanical leaves, essential oils and our Boreal Bubble Bath plus a handful of Post Workout Bath Salts. If you have trouble with UTI’s due to bathing the salts and aromatherapy oil plus a clean bubble bath formula with fix that. If you are uber sensitive use the oils and salts to start. If you are reading this and doubting me please let me calrify, I had kidney issues my whole life since childhood. I figured out a formula that actually prevents UTI’s and yeast infections. Salt is your friend it is naturally anti-bacterial so is Sweet Orange essential oil, you can try those on your own or you can purchase mine at

    I hope these sensory rituals help you find solutions to creating your own rituals that boost health , wellness and happiness in your day. We are all differnt beings so finding your recipesfor rituals will definitely take you a little bit of time to fine tune. If you are looking for some help with this join our Lifestyle Reset 30 Day Course


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